Badminton Souq


The challenge include conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high traffic keywords in the sports


Optimize their website for on-page SEO, including meta tags, headings, and content. Create engaging and informative content related to badminton, equipment reviews, and playing tips. Work on local SEO to attract customers looking for badminton equipment in their specific area.


Keywords Initial Ranking March 2023
Best badminton soque in UAE 1 (1) 1 (1)
Best junior badminton shoes in UAE 1 1
How to choose a badminton shoe in UAE 3 3
Badminton bag UAE 3 3
Best quality badminton shoes in UAE 2 3
Badminton shoes speciality in UAE 4 4
Badminton shoes in UAE 2 4
Best junior badminton racket in UAE 14 6
Best badminton racket in UAE 19 6
Best badminton apparel in UAE 10 6
A good badminton racket in UAE 11 7
Best badminton accessories in UAE 10 8
A good badminton racket in UAE 11 7
The best badminton rackets in UAE 14 8
Yonex badminton recommendation in UAE 8 8
Badminton racket Dubai 19 9
Where to buy badminton racket in Dubai 13 9
Which yonex badminton Racket to buy in UAE 16 13
Best badminton courts in Dubai 21 13
Yonex Dubai online 13 13
Best badminton coaching in Dubai 15 14

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